Created to share experiences, helpful parenting hints, and a laugh if nothing else... hope you like!

A blog created to document the life of my sweet little family.

Monday 30 January 2012

A great degree of difficulty!

Today wasn't terribly chaotic... a bit humid and sweaty at times, but not chaotic.
I thought I would share something funny that happened today.

The story starts two days prior, when H and I sit down at the coffee table (her at, me under), to do some colouring in together.  Stupidly I forgot to get the Peppa Pig colouring in sheets we were to colour, and because I was essentially wedged under the coffee table, I politely asked my girl to fetch them ( I was trying to point out to her that it was far easier if she did it!).  Her response was, that she was too busy (a fairly common response these days), so I loudly grunted and huffed and puffed (trying to make it look like getting out was hard work), wedged myself out, and got what we needed to continue.

Today, I was sitting at the computer zoning out for a while, H was watching a bit of afternoon TV... she mentioned that she was hungry, so I suggested she go and get a pear out of the fruit bowl.  Her quick response was that it was too difficult for her to get out from under the coffee table.  I continued with encouraging her to get it herself... in the end she did, but she made sure it was known, by way of grunts and huffs and puffs that she was having a great degree of difficulty wedging herself out (although she wasn't).

Sunday 29 January 2012

Got thrown up on!

Got chucked on big time tonight, by the little one.  
I had been attempting to put her into her bed for the night.  She was particularly unsettled for some reason.  I got her back up in case she was still hungry, put her on the boob for a while.  When I went to burp her, she did a massive chuck all down my back!  


To share or not to share... that is the question?

A good friend recently told me that her two boys had just started sharing a room, and it prompted me to think about it too.
We live in a little house, with a lovely big back yard.  Life generally revolves around the living area, the kitchen/eating area and outside, bedrooms generally being for sleeping.  

So Dad and I are currently having 'The discussion' about whether it would be a good thing or not.  I really love the idea of it, thinking the benefits far out weigh the cons.  He is the opposite!
I think it would foster a lovely and lasting friendship, teach compromise and negotiation, and be beneficial when it comes to worries at night (of which we have a few). 
He thinks more about dis-organisation, mess, lack of space and storage.

So really, what I'm looking for is advice, or experiences in this matter... do your kids share, what do you think?

Saturday 28 January 2012

Escaped chickens!

Huge day yesterday, hence no entry!
Dad had the day off.  We went to the zoo, and met up with a good friend, and spent the day there.  3 Adults to 4 kids... good ratio if you ask me!

But that wasn't it... we then drove straight to other friends and spent the rest of the afternoon with them, arriving home at 8.30pm!  Long and exhausting day in high heat.

Today was another hottie!  34 in all!  I oiled the deck today, silly I know in 34C degree heat, but my thoughts were it would dry quickly, and I really wanted it done!  

At one stage we were all outside, Dad decided he was going to do a chicken poo collection.  What we do is collect all the droppings from inside their coop into a bucket, and fill the bucket with water.  We then sit it in a hot spot to brew, then tip it around plant bases... very stinky, but very good for plants!

Anyway, as Dad was going in to the coop, the chickens escaped, something that happens when you aren't organised or quick enough (sorry Dad).  Thankfully the dog was tied up (I didn't want him making foot prints on my newly oiled deck!), but I had to grab him quick smart anyway to ensure he didn't lunge at and kill Harriet II and Flossie II (especially whilst H was outside watching what was unfolding!).  
Anyway, we managed to get them back into their area unmaimed, Phew(wipes brow)!

Thank goodness the day has ended.  It has cooled down somewhat, and we only have one more hot day to endure before some cooler weather rolls in.  Yay!   So lets just say that now the small ones are in bed, I am basking in the coolness that is 27.5C degrees!

Have a lovely night!

Thursday 26 January 2012

Home, Marysville, Healsville, Home!

Have been in Marysville (yes, where the 2009 fire destroyed much of the town -,_Victoria ), at Bruno's Sculpture Garden  Last time we were there was a few months after the fires.  Bruno's house had been destroyed, as had much of his garden.  On our arrival today, it was lovely to see he had rebuilt a beautiful mud brick house, his garden was gorgeous, looking much greener than our last visit.  
It was a little chaotic on our arrival.  With me escaping to find some shade to breastfeed, while Dad and H had a look around as they waited for me.  
We headed back through Healesville and stopped for fish and chips which we gobbled down in front of the Maroondah reservoir catchment dam http:/ /  
Home late, girls to bed late.  Hopefully the little one gives us a sleep through.  Am tired!  Still a few things to do though before I retire!

Better go!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Working 9 - 5.

I worked today... my first days work in a while (actually I work everyday, damn hard too, but don't get paid for it... I do it for love).   We spent the day looking after our gorgeous little friend G.  Her wonderful Mum and Dad are cool with me taking my two ratbags.
It was a lovely day... far easier than being at home as the big girl was pre-occupied with a friend instead of me!
So it was me and 3 girls under 3.  We managed to go out walking, bake muffins and have water play in the garden.  Was a great and productive day!

And my little one laughed for the first time... just gorgeous!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Lack of sleep...

Today was hot... the second hot day over 34C.  I am pretty hopeless when it comes to heat.  I managed to function quite well yesterday, but today was another story!  

Stupidly, last night I had a late night... I love my quiet time at night, and I stayed up a tad later than I should after another late night visit to the supermarket.  
Anyway... the big girl woke around 3am, unusual for her, apparently there were a number of Shreks' at the end of her bed.  
Our girl is fairly sheltered when it comes to TV.  She sees a bit of ABC for Kids, Wonder Pets and Toy Story, and that is about it.  She had watched Shrek once when in NZ over Christmas.  
Lets just say, both her Dad and I were unable to convince her for some time that she would be okay, and that she needed to go back to sleep.

Then at 5am, the little one woke for a feed.  She took longer than usual to feed, but I managed to get back into bed before the big one woke for the day.  Good old Dad let me sleep in until 8am.  Thanks Dad!

Still wasn't long enough, so I will be turning in shortly.  The girl's Dad and I take turns when it comes to feeding.  Me one night, him the next... tonight it is his night... Thank goodness, as I am spent!

Dinner was a flop!

Oh, I tried to be organised and cook dinner early, on what was a 34 C degree day... I needn't have bothered... not only did it increase the already climbing temperature in the house... but I way overstuffed it with hidden veges, making it too dense, and it was a complete flop!

I had filled two flan dishes, and ended up chucking it all out!  

Ahh well... better luck next time!

Fast running shoes...

While H was eating her dinner, Dad walked in to the kitchen ready to go for a run (I really do wish I had his energy!).
When it was revealed that he was going for a run, she announced that she had 'had enough dinner', hopped down from the table, ran to her room, and back to the kitchen with what we call...'her fast running shoes' to accompany Dad on his run.

When they got back Dad said she had run much of the way... she loved it... any excuse to run!

A few updates...

So... the listening chart is going well... actually way, way better than well!  My girl is listening beautifully and the sticker chart is half full... by the end of the week, she will be able to choose where it is she wants to go!  Will keep you informed!

and also...

An update on the barriers thing, which I told you about the other day... today she revealed that the fence is to keep dinosaurs and tigers out!

Oh, I can now confirm that we have officially dropped our daytime sleep.  We did well to get to 2 years 10 and half months!

Sunday 22 January 2012

These little piggies went to market...

So last night, I decided that this morning H and I would go to Camberwell Market  
Prior to kids I used to frequent Camberwell Market... most weekends.  
Our house is filled with treasures I that I have collected over the years from Camberwell.  

These days i go a bit more infrequently, usually looking for vintage toys.  

Anyway... off we set.  Dad gave us a business card, which I pinned to the back of her T-shirt with our phone numbers on it, in case she was to get lost.
We talked in the car on the way about how there would be loads of people and we would need to hold hands.  

She put the gold coin donation in the money box (she loved this) and off we set ... looking only for stalls that had toys or books.  She would usually find something to amuse her while I fossicked around.  
At one stage she spotted a little girl with a plastic shopping trolley.  That was when she decided that that was what she wanted.  Each stall we went to, that was what she searched for.   I could see that there might some disappointment on leaving the market.  

And there was!  On completion, I said 'Well, that's it... we have finished the market.'  to which she replied that she 'didn't want to go home, as she hadn't found her trolley yet'.  

She sat down on a crossing (where people were walking), and didn't want to leave, so I had to sit down and explain to her, that we had looked at all the stalls with toys and there were no trolleys, and that I would keep my eye out for trolleys whenever we were out.  

She was happy enough with that... so we headed home!

I love my girl so much.  She is so grown up and easy to reason with... sometimes!

Saturday 21 January 2012

An eventful morning!

This morning I set H up to watch 'The Toy Story', whilst I showered.  As I got out of the shower, I could hear a wailing cry.  I ran into the lounge to find H in a bit of pain.  
She was complaining of her tummy hurting.  We made our way into the bathroom to the toilet.  She didn't last on there long... arching her back and only wanting to be cuddled.

We moved into the lounge once more... by now Dad was up, and in the shower... preparing either to go to the doctor or the hospital.  She continued to sit on my lap, pale and clammy, occasionally arching her back and crying out in pain... then things seemed to settle a little.

We hid some Nurofen and some Inner Health Plus in a glass of juice, and things seemed to settle even more.  Don't quite know what was up?  She seems fine now.  
I don't think she is constipated, as we consumed an awful lot of fruit yesterday... but only time will tell.

Oh well, we were up early, and so far the morning has been productive!  Me and my girl have been baking muffins!

A strange and startling start to a Saturday morning!

Friday 20 January 2012

My favourite flower...

I'm quite excited... my Pineapple Lilly is flowering.  It is a gorgeous plant I discovered last year.  It flowers over summer, one stem in all, with lots of little flowers, and dies down to a bulb over winter... just wanted to share it with you!

Sticker chart for listening...

So... we started a sticker chart.  I was getting tired of not being listened to.  
We made a chart together yesterday, and decided that when the chart was filled with stickers, we could go somewhere, and H could decide where that somewhere was... I gave her a few options... The Zoo, Healsville Sanctuary, Diamond Valley Miniature Railway, or Chesterfield Farm !

So far her listening has improved in leaps and bounds.  She is keen on filling the chart, and managed about stickers today and was particularly proud of herself!

Will let you know when the chart is full, as to where we end up going!

Thursday 19 January 2012

A complete turn around...

A lovely day with my two gorgeous girls!  Firstly... they both slept in, as did I!  Late breaky... then a minor melt down, followed by a lovely, relaxed and happy day.  
The weather was great, so we had an big walk to the park, once home H performed a concert for her toys (she refers to them as her children), It was a much better day.  
Looking forward to a catch up with some Mummy friends tomorrow!  And a proper coffee!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Tired out!

I am exhausted!  Totally drained.  It has been a long and very exhausting day!

I am thinking the big girl needs to drop the day time sleeps totally! 
I have been giving her a sleep every second day, on the days she sleeps, she is in bed, but wide awake until about 9pm.  
She copes reasonably well when she doesn't sleep, but gets overtired later in the day and is so tired by 7pm she sleeps beautifully all night.

So... today she has been testing my patience for much of the day in her cheeky, yet defiant little way.

I must say I was very pleased when Dad arrived home and took her attention away from me.  
I love the little mite to pieces, but some days... I need a little break... I'm sure all you Mum's get me!

Dad sent me off for a walk with Bub's and the dog.  Was nice to get some fresh air and space!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

ME time!

Try shopping at night after the kids are in bed...its a much nicer experience... mostly because its me time!  It just means you go to bed a little later!  Still... I'm used to compromising... I learnt it from my daughter!

Another hot one!

A stinking hot day... second in a row... 35C today, but cooling down as we speak.  It was cooler in the house the entire day, but now it is cooler outside... consequently people are out to play... the neighbour was out with her daughter, as was our elderly neighbour, pottering in his garden.

We opted for filling the paddling pool and squirting each other with the hose!  H loved it, and it was a nice bit of relief on such a stinking hot day!

Tomorrows high is 28C.  Very much looking forward to it!

Monday 16 January 2012


I am slowly going nuts!

Its been a long day... As you well know... I was up at 5.45am!
H is just going off now, after having been in bed for over an hour now.  She has been mucking around something terrible tonight.
The little one is very unsettled too... she has been in bed for about 20mins, but keeps crying out, then going quiet.  
I am so tired! I am hoping they will both fall into a deep sleep for the entire night!

I should really go to bed, as it is my night to get up for the middle of the night feed... but I would like a little time to myself! 

Early start...

Our girl woke at 5.45am this morning... hence the early entry...

Firstly I convinced her to go back to sleep, telling her it wasn't yet morning, and hoping she would fall asleep before ABC for kids started up,(which we leave on as a night light for feeds)... I quickly fell back to sleep...  She didn't!  
At about 5.49am her bladder got the better of her... she called out, and up I got again.
After the wee, I tucked her happily back into bed. 

Next call out was at 5.56, apparently she needed to do a poo!  By now I had resigned to the fact she was not going to go back to bed!  Once on the toilet, she decided she no longer needed to do a poo.  
So into the lounge we went to settle onto the couch to watch kids TV (by we I am referring to H, not me... I fully intended to go back to bed!).
I settled her onto the couch with her home made quilt, a drink, an apple and her snugly blanky... she was happy, so I went back to bed!

About 10 minutes later, after I had once again fallen asleep, she called me out again... she had a hair in her mouth...
Next... there was a big bruise in her apple, and I had to cut it out!
By this time, I had decided I probably wouldn't go back to bed... it was pointless...

So here I sit... yawning away, writing an entry. 
Hope you are all amused!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Sorry to go on about it...

Did I tell you I love my shower curtain?  It is so clean!

Back we go!

So at about 8.30 this morning after bubs had been fed, H and I set off for Bunnings...(for those of you that don't know Bunnings is a building/hardware/and home supplies superstore... need more info... visit this link... , H and I were on our way there to pick up some bougainvillea to plant along the fence line of our property.

Bunnings for my girl is an outing!  She loves it.  We take baby Ashleigh (her doll) with us, and she sits in one of the mini trolleys.  Certain rituals must be followed each and every time we visit.

Anyway, so after we found our bougainvillea, paid at the counter, had our hands stamped, and were given the bonus gift of a packet of colouring pencils, we headed back home.

My chores I had set myself for the day were lawns and planting the bougainvillea.  

We arrived home, and I left H in the care of Dad, while I moved outside to get the lawn mower out and started... alas... it wouldn't start!

Dad came out and attempted to start it too, thinking because he is a man, he could probably get it going... he was wrong!

So a hour after we had arrived home, off set Dad and H to Bunnings to see if they could track us down a new lawn mower... they haven't yet arrived back - I think they are making a day of it!

Saturday 14 January 2012

A bit embarrassing!

What has my life come to... blogging about shower curtains!

I can't believe it worked!

I have many a time thought a shower curtain was at the end of its life when I couldn't scrub the shower scum off it!  
Well... a little tip for you shower curtain owners out there...

Throw shower curtain in washing machine with two old towels... on a hot wash add your usual washing detergent and a half cup of baking soda... on the rinse cycle add a cup of vinegar.  It is recommended to take curtain out before spin cycle starts... but due to breast feeding I didn't manage this, and because of it, the curtain is a little wrinkly... but Oh so clean, so really, I am not bothered!  

Can't believe it worked!

Dad organises one child...

'Tis funny watching Dad try to organise himself and one child to go out.  I sat back (whilst feeding) and watched.  

Dad and H had been outside on the tramp...They had an idea to walk the 1000 steps ( at the base of the Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne (our neck of the woods).  They came in and Dad proceeded to organise himself (this took long enough!), then moved on to organising H.  

What was required you ask?  
Well, for starters, H needed to be dressed... (she had had an accident outside, which resulted in her stripping off and running around naked... something she loves to do!).  This was an ordeal in itself, with her refusing certain clothing!  
There was sunscreen to be applied, toileting, spare clothes to be packed, food and drink and shoes.  I think that was about it.  

I didn't time it, but I can tell you it took a fair while! 

Friday 13 January 2012

Who's the boss?

H is pretty adamant that she is the boss!  Little does she know! 
It's funny listening to her trying to con me or her Dad to into something!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Encouraging solitary play...

So we are going through this patch where we want to be playing with Mum or Dad all the time.  I find it all a bit exhausting.  
Rather than amuse herself H sits on the couch next to me while I breast feed.  
I am always suggesting games for her to play by herself whilst I potter around the house making beds, doing dishes etc.  

This morning I tried something a little different.  I said I wanted her to play by herself until I had finished a cup of coffee... then I would play with her... I thought that length of time was familiar and achievable to her.  
To begin with she kind of just sat around waiting for me to finish my coffee... then she moved to the Duplo ( and began to play by herself.  

As promised, as soon as I had finished my cuppa, I sat down and had a game with her.  That was until she decided she wanted to sit where I was.  I thought, I will use this as another opportunity to encourage her to play by herself.  I moved up to the Mac and she immediately began to amuse herself.  

It will just have be encouraged constantly throughout each day!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Who will be my 2000th viewer?

Thanks for all of your support!

Name update!

My daughter has officially changed her name to Penny... she no longer answers to H!


I am trying to encourage independence at the moment by delegating!
She would like me to do everything for her, but because I am in no way prepared to, she needs to learn to do some things herself.

I have been encouraging her to take her plate to the rubbish bin and empty her scraps.  She quite likes this.  She also quite likes to put her cups and plates on the bench!

She is getting way better at tidying away her toys when she has finished with them... she needs some reminding that things go back where they came from.  We turn it into a game, which she loves... so tidying up in our house is generally fun!

We are also trying to encourage H to toilet herself.  She has been trained for some time now, but likes company in the initial stage of the toileting process... usually with the pulling down of the trou, or lifting on to the toilet.  However in recent  weeks, it has become a game for her to rush off to the toilet, thinking we are in hot pursuit... if we leave her to it... she does it all herself, usually requiring a little bit of help with getting dressed again, though not always!  She can even wash her hands by herself!  

I have one clever and helpful little girl!

Tuesday 10 January 2012


My sweet girl thought forward about what might help, and put her unfinished milk in the fridge without being asked!  What a star!

Monday 9 January 2012

Bassinet to cot...

Baby O has officially moved into a big girl cot.  I put her in a sleeping bag a few days ago (, in which she is sleeping well, but... her little hands keep hitting the sides of the bassinet and waking her up... I am hoping that the move to the cot will stop her from bumping and in turn startling herself!  Fingers crossed.

The prescription...

So... the day was going pretty smoothly.  
We were organising ourselves to go for a walk to the chemist... I had a script I needed to fill, and we needed to pop in to our local butcher (Greg's Tender Joint - Highly recommended) to get some meat for dinner.  
So I managed to get us all organised, and we walked out the door... please note... Baby O was in the Ergo and H the pram.  We made it to the back gate, before I decided I should check to see if I had put the script in the pram.  No, I hadn't... so I left H in the pram and went back inside to find the script.... 3 minutes later, I am back outside asking H if she would like to come inside while I look, I had had no luck and needed to keep looking!

She insisted on staying in the pram, so back in I went(Baby O still in Ergo)... a few minutes later, after a lot of muttering to myself, I went back outside insisting that she come to be my special helper... we could look together!

In we both went... her pottering around while I went back and forth into rooms I had already looked in. After about 5 minutes more of looking I noticed a little toy suitcase(1 of 3), was missing.  I asked where it was, and if H could help me look for it.  She answered with an 'I'm a bit too busy to help'.  
I kept looking, this time only for the red suitcase... A few minutes passed.  It seemed it was nowhere to be found, until... I looked in her Dad's wardrobe.  

There, in a pile of shoes, was the red suitcase, and inside... the script!

Saturday 7 January 2012

A day out...

So... we had a lovely day today.  We decided earlier in the day that we would go to Healsville Animal Sanctuary , full of native Australian animals.
It was a lovely day, a little on the warm side, thank goodness the mercury wasn't above 30 degrees!

My only complaint was that poor Baby O in the Ergo was just too hot.

Thank goodness the sunscreen was lathered on and none of us got burnt!  
The girls were angels today!  A little overtired tonight though!

Friday 6 January 2012

Chaos is...

...3 toddlers eating icy poles... sticky faces and fingers!

...3 toddlers who want the same toy!

...3 toddlers who wont eat their dinner!

...adults teasing 3 toddlers!

...3 toddlers wanting to pat the chickens!

...3 toddlers who are up way past their bed time!

House in chaos!

8 adults, 3 toddlers and 1 baby = an afternoon of fun and chaos!  The house is in need of another clean... Oh well, theres always tomorrow!

Thanks everyone for coming... t'was lovely!

Cleaning spree...

My house is looking cleaner and cleaner by the minute... but only because we have guests coming!

Thursday 5 January 2012

A day of chaos!

So today was completely chaotic!  I have 3 stories for you!  

Firstly - Dad(that's the girl's Dad), had organised to play golf with his Dad(Pop Pop).  He had intended to get up nice and early, but kept snoozing his alarm and ended up getting up at the time he was supposed to be departing... this threw me, as I had a Maternal Health appointment (Plunkett for you Kiwis'), it was local, so I had planned to walk with the girls.  I hopped in the shower with 20 minutes to spare before I had to leave.
I ended up getting there with time on my hands... don't ask me how I did it, but I did, however I was a sweaty mess!

Next - We had organised to catch up with friends, just me and the girls(as Dad was still at golf).  I thought I would pop into Spotlight(a fabric, craft & home interior superstore) to pick up some beans to fill the bean bag I had received for Christmas.  I planned to get a trolley, but on looking in my wallet I only had NZ coins(stupidly I hadn't sorted my wallet yet).  So in we went without the trolley, Miss H walking and Miss O in my arms.  I ended up getting 5x 500gm bags (which turned out not to be enough) which I had to carry to the check out, then out to car!  I was probably juggling a bit too much, but thanks to Miss H's excellent listening skills(they are not always excellent) we managed to get back to and into the car safely!

Lastly - I decided to fill the bean bag... I should have waited until Miss H was in bed... but I didn't!
Miss H decided to help me, but I didn't notice she was there until it was too late.  She grabbed the bag of beans which threw off my pouring skills, and you guessed it... they went all over the place... I managed to get the situation under control quickly... and now both girls are in bed, the lounge is clean once again!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Date and Banana loaf...mmmm...

I baked that yummy loaf that I told you about a while back... Date and Banana, but half of it seems to have dissapeared!  Damn!

The shift to sleeping bag... a success!

Today I have decided to trial a beautiful Merino Kids sleeping bag that was gifted to Baby O.  The last few days have been hot, and bubs seems to wriggle free of her wrap, so I thought I would give it a go... So far, so good, she has fallen asleep... whether or not she startles herself awake is another question!
Will let you know how it all goes!

Result... she slept well, and has just gone down for her second nap in it!  Love it!  Thanks S!

Cool change!

Now that I am awake, I would like to take the time to officially welcome the cool change!  Can I just say that I feel human again!  Before I was walking around on autopilot!

Tuesday 3 January 2012


In this intense heat I get very little done... so as you can imagine unpacking has taken 3 days so far, and there is still a way to go! 
My big girl is finding it all a bit much and has taken to wearing cranky pants!  The little one doesn't have attitude yet, and is sleeping well, so long as she sleeps with the fan on her!

Looking forward to a cool change tonight!  Hopefully it comes in the form of rain, and not thunder and lightening (as is forecast), which would increase the risk of bushfire in our region!

New blog...

Have begun another blog about the funny things my big girl says.  If you are interested, this is the link...

Wanna comment?

My sister mentioned to me that she had tried to comment on my posts, but couldn't... I have altered settings, so now hopefully it works and if you feel compelled to comment, you will be able to!


Monday 2 January 2012

A hot one... still hot at 11pm!

Its 8.53am, and currently 28.4, but its destined to hit 40 degrees today!  Why did we come back?  I much prefer the rain! 

It is now 10.45 pm and it is still 30 degrees, but we are expecting a cool change around midnight... have had the hubby in the shed getting the fan out so we can sleep comfortably.  

What a day!

Answering back!

On Saturday on our drive from The Mount to Auckland airport, my big girl asked for the window to be open as we were hurtling along State Highway One at 100km an hour.  I replied with a 'no'... she whinged, I came back with a firmer 'no'!  Her next line was...' Mummy, don't speak rudely to me', I left it there.  End of conversation.  Funny thing, the window was still up, but she thinks she won!

Sunday 1 January 2012

Bang, Crash...

This afternoon we were enjoying a cold beer outside on the picnic blanket with the girls, when there was a loud bang... 
I rushed out to see if I could help.  There was an accident involving two cars, one with a caravan on the back.
Our day had been relatively calm, albeit hot, but now it is all go, with two Country Fire Authority Engines blocking our driveway, two police cars and an ambulance.  
Just so you know, one person was injured, but was looking okay when I went out, she has been taken off in the ambulance.
A bit of excitement for my girl, who loves ambulances, police and fire engines at the moment!

home again, home again...

Gardening in 35 degree heat!  What am I thinking?

What a day...

Well... I am stuffed!  
Finally we are home... we arrived a couple of hours ago after a long and exhausting day.

The funniest part of a somewhat stressful day was shortly after we began our drive home from Melbourne Airport.  
The little one was not happy!  She was cluster feeding in preparation for a possible sleep through, plus the sun was pouring through her window, on what had been a 37 degree day!
Anyway... We pulled off the freeway to give her a feed.  We thought we may as well use the opportunity to toilet Miss H, however she surprised us with more than just a wee! 
It would have looked hilarious... an almost 3 year old squatting in a grassy area of an industrial estate, being supported by her dad, who was busy trying to shoo flies away from all the action.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud!

I hope that everyone enjoyed their New Years celebrations!  
Ours was quiet (thank goodness) after such a busy day!
Happy New Year... and welcome 2012!
