Created to share experiences, helpful parenting hints, and a laugh if nothing else... hope you like!

A blog created to document the life of my sweet little family.

Sunday 29 January 2012

To share or not to share... that is the question?

A good friend recently told me that her two boys had just started sharing a room, and it prompted me to think about it too.
We live in a little house, with a lovely big back yard.  Life generally revolves around the living area, the kitchen/eating area and outside, bedrooms generally being for sleeping.  

So Dad and I are currently having 'The discussion' about whether it would be a good thing or not.  I really love the idea of it, thinking the benefits far out weigh the cons.  He is the opposite!
I think it would foster a lovely and lasting friendship, teach compromise and negotiation, and be beneficial when it comes to worries at night (of which we have a few). 
He thinks more about dis-organisation, mess, lack of space and storage.

So really, what I'm looking for is advice, or experiences in this matter... do your kids share, what do you think?


  1. Mine have separate rooms. They love to share a room on occasion and will do so for days or weeks at a time. I love the bonding they get from sleeping together and enjoy hearing the giggling and chatting before they fall asleep.

    However, I think it's important for them to have their own space that is all their own. They can share when they want to and be on their own when that is what they need but the reverse is more difficult to accommodate.

  2. Separate, if you have the space and can manage. My brother and I were pretty close growing up and had rooms next door to each other. We'd play in each others room and in the yard and lounge but if we wanted to be alone then we had our own space. Somewhere to just be with yourself and your thoughts! We quite often had sleep overs in each others room and if we were ever scared went to each other before mum and dad. We are both quite good at solitary things and working with others. They'll be close if there in a different room or the same. But it's important for everyone to have a space for them!
